


Pharmacokinetics in the silkworm

Invertebrates such as the silkworm lack the complex blood vessels found in mammals. Nutrients and drugs taken in from the gut are immediately taken up to the blood. Such animals without blood vessels are called open vascular animals. (On the other hand, mammals, including humans, have blood vessels and are called closed blood-vessel animals.) In the closed-vessel systems, nutrients and drugs absorbed from the intestinal tract are collected from the portal vein to the liver, where they undergo metabolism. It is called the first-pass effect. Many of you may think that the fate of exogenous drugs in open vascular animals is very different from that in open vascular animals. However, that is not true.
 Insects have an organ called the fat body. Many researchers believe that the fat body is the equivalent of the mammalian liver. In contrast, we found that the silkworm’s drug metabolism takes place not in the fat body but in the intestinal tract. In the human liver, an enzyme called cytochrome P450 is responsible for the first-pass effect of drug metabolism. In the silkworm, this enzyme is found in the intestinal tract. In the silkworm, drugs absorbed from the intestine are immediately metabolized in the intestine and released into the bloodstream. In other words, the functions of the portal vein and liver are not differentiated in the silkworm, but exist in the intestinal tract. This may suggest that the functions of the portal vein and liver are not differentiated in the silkworm, but exist in the intestine. In this light, it is reasonable that the first-pass effect occurs in the intestine even in open vascular animals such as the silkworm. Therefore, the pharmacokinetics of exogenous drugs are remarkably consistent between silkworms and mammals. In fact, a comparison of LD50 values, an indicator of toxicity for various compounds, between silkworms and mammals shows a good agreement. This is also true for therapeutic substances such as drugs. These results mean that the silkworm is useful as a model animal to study the therapeutic effects of drugs.