
はじめに| Introduction


Drug Discoveries by Silkworm Models is the search for new drug candidates using silkworm pathological models as an indicator of therapeutic effects. In addition to pharmaceuticals, the development of functional foods that are useful for maintaining good health is also a subject of Drug Discoveries by Silkworm Models.

創薬における実験動物の必要性 | Animals Models

医薬品候補化合物が治療効果を発揮するためには、毒性がないことに加え、体内動態が適切であることが必要である。後者はADMEと呼ばれる4つの因子、すなわち吸収 Absorption、分布 Distribution、代謝 Metabolism、排泄 Excretionによって支配される過程である。試験管内の様々な探索手法により見出された医薬品候補化合物の体内動態を理解するために、様々な解析方法が検討されている。しかしながら、個々の候補化合物について正確なADMEを予想する方法論の確立は未だなされていない。そのため、医薬品の開発において実験動物の使用は必要不可欠である。

The therapeutic efficacy of a drug candidate compound requires not only the absence of toxicity but also appropriate disposition in the body. The latter is a process governed by four factors called ADME: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion. In order to understand the pharmacokinetics of drug candidates found by various in vitro discovery methods, various analytical methods have been investigated. However, the methodology for predicting the exact ADME of individual candidate compounds has not yet been established. Therefore, the use of laboratory animals is essential in the development of pharmaceuticals.

動物愛護意識の高まりを受けて | The Growing Awareness of Animal Welfare


Conventionally, mammals such as mice have been used to evaluate the therapeutic effects of drug candidate compounds. However, not only the cost but also ethical issues from the perspective of animal welfare have been pointed out. The latter has become very serious in recent years, and has even become an obstacle to drug development. To solve this problem, we advocate the use of silkworms as experimental animals to evaluate the therapeutic effects of drugs. Silkworm breeding and breeding methods have been established in the history of sericulture in Japan. In Japan, the sericultural industry still exists, although on a smaller scale than in its heyday, and therefore it is possible to purchase silkworm eggs for research purposes. Systematic production of animals is essential for research using animals, but the time and cost required for this is enormous. In the case of silkworms, it is possible to easily and inexpensively breed purchased eggs using the breeding techniques that have been cultivated over the years. In addition, artificial food for silkworms has been devised, and as long as there is an incubator, it is possible to raise silkworms at any time of the year without using mulberry leaves.

なぜカイコ? | So why silkworms?

他の無脊椎動物、例えばショウジョウバエや線虫が代替実験動物として推奨されている。これらの動物に比べた実験動物としてのカイコの利点は、体の大きさが大きい点である。そのため注射器により正確な量の薬液を投与することができる。注射器による薬液の注射技術は医薬品の評価においてきわめて大切であるが小型の無脊椎動物では極めて難しい。カイコでは血液内注射のほか、腸管内注射が可能である。前者は哺乳動物での静脈内注射、後者は経口投与に相当する。カイコを使えば、これらの投与経路の違いによる候補化合物の治療効果を評価することが容易に可能である。また、カイコからは比較的大量(0.1ml)の血液を採取することができる。そのため、小型の動物では不可能な、化合物の体内動態や血液成分の解析が可能である。 私たちは、化合物の毒性の指標であるLD50値(半数の動物を殺傷する量)が、カイコと哺乳動物の間でよく一致していることを見出している。また、様々な抗生物質の治療効果の指標であるED50(半数の動物に対して効果を示す量)も、カイコと哺乳動物でよく一致するという成績が得られている。すでに化合物の毒性評価に関して、培養細胞での結果は動物を用いた結果と乖離することが知られている。培養細胞では肝臓・腎臓などの体内動態に預かる器官の関与を見ることができないからである。カイコには肝臓・腎臓が備わっており、薬物の体内動態が哺乳動物と共通しているので、哺乳動物と共通した成績が得られるのである。この点は、カイコが哺乳動物の代替動物として有用であることを意味している。

Other invertebrates, such as Drosophila and nematodes, have been proposed as alternative experimental animals. The advantage of the silkworm as a laboratory animal compared to these animals is its large body size. The advantage of the silkworm over these animals is its large body size, which makes it possible to administer precise amounts of chemicals with a syringe. The technique of injecting drugs with a syringe is very important in the evaluation of drugs, but it is extremely difficult in small invertebrates. In silkworms, intravascular injection as well as intraintestinal injection is possible. The former is equivalent to intravenous injection in mammals, while the latter is equivalent to oral administration. Using silkworms, it is easy to evaluate the therapeutic effects of candidate compounds by these different routes of administration. In addition, a relatively large amount of blood (0.1 ml) can be collected from silkworms. Therefore, it is possible to analyze the pharmacokinetics of compounds and blood composition, which is not possible with smaller animals. We have found that the LD50 value (the amount that kills half of the animals), which is an indicator of the toxicity of a compound, agrees well between silkworms and mammals. They have also found that the ED50 (the amount that is effective against half of the animals), which is an indicator of the therapeutic effect of various antibiotics, also agrees well between silkworms and mammals. It is already known that the results obtained in cultured cells deviate from those obtained in animals when evaluating the toxicity of compounds. This is because in cultured cells, the involvement of organs such as the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for body dynamics, cannot be observed. The silkworm has a liver and kidneys, and the pharmacokinetics of drugs are similar to those of mammals, so it is possible to obtain results similar to those of mammals. This means that the silkworm is useful as an alternative to mammals.